International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies

About the Event

Welcome to IConCMT, where our primary objective is to foster an atmosphere that encourages interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among diverse disciplines within the broad spectrum of digital media. With a deliberate focus on a wide range of content, the conference aims to explore the intersection of new technological possibilities, creative design, and the economic, social, and cultural framework requirements. By encompassing such a vast array of subjects, IConCMT seeks to create a unique environment where professionals from different backgrounds can interact, share insights, and create novel synergies.

For the upcoming conference, several areas have been identified as focal points, emphasising the emerging challenges within the realm of media and digital technologies. The first area includes participatory culture, cultural heritage, open data, and hybrid public spaces. We invite submissions that explore the processes of digitalisation and hybridisation of culture, the technological and ethical issues, as well as regulatory practices. We are open to artistic interventions as well.

Additionally, the intersection of visualisation, artificial intelligence (AI), state-of-the-art media production, and storytelling will be a key area of focus. This interdisciplinary approach seeks to unravel the possibilities and implications arising from the integration of these fields. For example, in the context of AI and media production, visualisation plays a crucial role in presenting complex data, patterns, and insights. State-of-the-art media production refers to the use of cutting-edge technologies, techniques, and equipment in creating immersive media content. This includes advancements provided by AI in filming, editing, visual effects, sound design, and other production elements. In relation to storytelling, AI can help analyse audience preferences and behaviours to create personalised narratives or adaptive storylines.

Climate change communication patterns will also receive special attention during the conference. Understanding how to effectively communicate the urgent need for environmental action is paramount, and IConCMT aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to explore innovative approaches, techniques, and strategies in this crucial domain.

Finally, immersive education paradigms will be explored, recognising the transformative power of immersive technologies in revolutionising education. By examining the latest trends and advancements in this area, IConCMT hopes to inspire educators and researchers to harness the potential of immersive technologies to create engaging and effective learning experiences.

The 6th International Conference on Creative/Media Technologies promises to be an enlightening and enriching event, offering a comprehensive programme filled with engaging presentations, interactive workshops, and thought-provoking discussions. We look forward to welcoming you and exploring the exciting developments in these multidisciplinary domains.