International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies

Different Brilliant 2024

Award for Final Theses

Under the title “Different Brilliant” for the third time the IConCMT awards a prize to outstanding bachelor’s and master’s theses that exemplify best practices in applied and artistic research projects in media, design, and media production. 

We invite supervisors and students to submit the outstanding Bachelor’s and Master’s theses via Easy Chair [LINK HERE]. We would like to celebrate the innovative design-related research and applied methodologies in media and digital technologies. Winners receive cash prizes, travel, accommodation, and complimentary conference access. Don’t miss this chance to showcase your creative research and inspire peers across disciplines!


Submission deadline: 3rd of November 2024.

All submissions must include: research question(s), method(s), outcomes, summary and key literature. Paper structure: abstract (200 words), research question(s) + research design and method(s) (300 words), conclusion/results (200 words) and please submit additionally short biography (100 words).

Submission and guidelines


Winner of 2023

In 2023 top four bachelor’s and master’s theses were presented to the public in a 15-minute format. Students from all Austrian universities and Erasmus partner institutions were eligible to apply.

The winners were:
•    Tanja Ploner: Motion Capture and Gender in the Entertainment Area
•    Philipp Klein: Reimagining Design: Exploring the Potential of the Infinite Canvas for Collaborative Interactive Articles
•    Matthias Bäck: The Application of AI-Assisted Rotoscoping in Digital Video Post-Production
•    Markus Skraba: Music and Movement: How Can the Intuitive Operation of the Glove Prototype Be Improved for Controlling Electronic Music in a Digital Audio Workstation Compared to the Functionality of a Theremin?

“The graduates have presented outstanding projects that showcase the interdisciplinary, creative, and technical potential of the next generation of designers. I am delighted that we could organize this competition together with the Academic Design Network Austria at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences,” said the award’s initiator and head of the Bachelor’s program in Media Technology at FH St. Pölten Rosa von Suess. The Academic Design Network Austria also held its fourth networking meeting at FH St. Pölten during the conference.